as weak

英 美
  • 喝得酩酊大醉
  • as adv.同样地;例如;被认为prep.作为;如同conj.因为;像;当...之时;像...一样;结果;尽管n.阿斯(古罗马重量单位,约373克;古罗马铜币名)
  • weak adj.弱的;虚弱的;无力的;差的;淡薄的
    1. He would have worked for his exams all May if his friends had left him alone. Unfortunately they didn't, and he's as weak as water when it comes to saying "no" to a friend.
    2. After a week in bed with flu I felt as weak as a kitten.
    3. A person regarded as weak, foolish, or stupid.